Taraashna is hiring for Punjab
Taraashna is hiring for Punjab
Field/collection officers
Qualification:12th. Pass minimum
Fresher/Experience both can apply
Branch: Nawashar, Philluar, mukhrian, roopnagar,doraha, sardulgarh,abohar,batala,zira, pathankot
Resume send Mail id/ whats app with name of location:.
Call 10 am to 4 pm only…
best salary in industry
other benefits –
Health insurance
Accidental claim
कम्युनिटी सर्विसेज ऑफिसर / सीनियर कम्युनिटी सर्विसेज ऑफिसर
शैक्षणिक योगयता – 12th या उससे अधिक
आयु – 18-28 वर्ष
अनुभव – 0 – 2 वर्ष (फ्रेशर्स भी आवेदन कर सकते है )
अन्य लाभ – प्रोविडेंट फण्ड+बीमा सुविधाए+रहने की वयवस्था+ आकर्षक इंसेंटिव -इंडस्ट्री मैं बेस्ट।
नोट – होम टाउन लोकेशन नहीं मिलेगी , केवल वही संपर्क करे जिनको लोकेशन की बाध्यता नहीं हो
नोट – तराशना फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज लिमिटेड किसी भी प्रकार के चार्जेज नहीं लेती है और न ही किसी जॉब प्लसमेंट कंसलटेंट के साथ काम करती है
Paypines Financial Services hiring for RM
Taraashna Financial Services Limited (“TFSL”) (Erstwhile Taraashna Services Limited), was incorporated on May 22, 2012 under the Companies Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana. TFSL is enabled under its objects to carry on the business of, among other things, the promotion and nurturing of JLG and MSME/ SBL and linking them to banks and other financial institutions for availing different financial services and to provide capacity-building support. TFSL has also commenced providing business correspondence services for secured loans to small businesses, through its Principal Partners.
SCNL has acquired TFSL as its subsidiary, pursuant to a special resolution passed by its shareholders on July 30, 2016. TFSL acts as a business correspondent for banks & NBFCs and provides similar services to other financial institutions in rural and semi-urban areas.
My microfinance expires 5 year