Sindhuja Microcredit hiring for Field Officer

Jobs at Sindhuja Microcredit

Jobs at Sindhuja Microcredit for rajasthan


भारत की सबसे तेज बढने वाली माइक्रो फाइनेंस कंपनी *( सिंधुजा माइक्रोक्रेडिट प्राइवेट लिमिटेड )में कर्मचारी बनने का सुनहरा अवसर।

* फील्ड स्टाफ (TCO/CO) के लिए भर्ती* Experienced/Fresher.

*Posting Location- Chhitorgarh, Sirohi, Jhalor, Udaipur,kota,jhalawar, kota, District’s

*भर्ती स्थान:- * Sindhuja Microcredit Pvt. Ltd.
Regional Office : 2 Deep Mala Complex, Kumawat Colony, opposite Indori Namkeen,100 ft road, Savina Chauraha Udaipur Rajasthan-313001

समय:- सुबह 09:30 बजे से दोपहर 02 बजे तक।
योग्यता :- कम से कम 12वी पास / दुपहिया वाहन और लाईसेंस अनिवार्य।

जरूरी दस्तावेज :- 2 पासपोर्ट साइज फ़ोटो, 10वी व 12वी की मार्कशीट, आधारकार्ड, पैनकार्ड की फ़ोटो कॉपी और ओरिजनल दस्तावेज।

उम्र 18 से 28 वर्ष

ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए नीचे लिखे नंबर पर संपर्क करें।

Rahul Shrivastava (HR)
9870913237 Ajay Gauttom- +919835925121


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The name Sindhuja is said to be one of the names of Goddess Lakshmi –the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. Etymologically speaking, this name refers to the avtar of Goddess Lakshmi, who was born out of the river Sindhu.

Sindhuja Microcredit (Sindhuja) is a new generation Micro Finance Company which is headquartered in Delhi NCR with its Zonal office in Patna. It has received Certificate of Registration from the Reserve Bank of India to operate as NBFC-MFI. Sthrough third party arrangements to its customers. Through these products it aims to reach the lives of the “Bottom of Pyramid” and the “Missing Middle” customers and contribute in financial inclusion.

5 thoughts on “Sindhuja Microcredit hiring for Field Officer

  1. I am interest,
    present work mortgage relationship officer IDFC first bank,
    Location :- All Rajasthan
    3 year above experience in microfinance and bank sector
    Mobile number:-9414375740

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